Look, mom, there's a man behind the curtain.... and he's doing something nasty!
I notice that I only get the Blackboard blues when I actually try to do something with the program.
Funny how that goes.
Today's challenge: Create a unit which has a page that only becomes available at the end of the week in the curriculum.
I figured that I would create a hidden page, which would be scheduled to be visible at the appropriate time. I would put that page at the beginning of the unit, so at the certain time students could be sent to the learning unit again and, tada, there is the summary page.
Unfortunately, I forgot the first principal of the Blackboard Learning System: Blackboard sucks.
Intead of hiding the page I made unavailable, I get this:
So much for hiding material but keep it in the flow.
I suppose that when the Blackboard programmers buy Christmas gifts for their kids, rather than hiding them in some secret closet, they leave them out in the living room marked "Don't think about until Dec. 25"
Feh. Wankers all.
I find your anecdotes hilarious. I'm a University Professor and my institution is currently using Blackboard. I must say I find the Blackboard interface atrocious. What on earth is the purpose of all those tabs?! I began a quest for a better course management solution.
I heard about a Free Web 2.0 solution called CollegeBrain.net (I suppose this means Blackboard/Moodle/Sakai are Web 1.0? Who knew). Anyway the free service is great, the customer support (free also) is very responsive. I was able to join CollegeBrain, add my school, and begin creating courses. They even have a pre-written set of instructions in the Course which I was able to hand out to my students in lecture. Using this one page document, my students were able to create free accounts and join my course roster online. The downside is that they don't have as many features as Blackboard, but they sure do have a great interface. They seem to be adding content regularly, but the most activity I've seen is in new schools being created.
I encourage other instructors to check the service out. I'm curious to see what comments other educators will have about this service. Apparently it services K-12 as well as University level. In the end, I am a happy camper. The best part about this service is that my school didn't have to do anything to be part of the CollegeBrain network (it was similar to joining a Facebook network, except since my school didn't exist I had to answer some basic questions such as the Time Zone and Course Categories). I'm sure there are many more free educational tools out there on the web. If you have any additional suggestions, please send them my way (itsjbfreeman@gmail.com)
Their site - www.collegebrain.net
How I discovered them - http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/site-of-the-week/site/?i=53553;_hbguid=c1a1fc5d-258d-486a-a765-f7950b754d2c&d=site-of-the-week
Unknown, at April 23, 2008 at 12:47 AM
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